Tuesday, August 25, 2020






By Cash Michaels

Staff writer

Wilmington is joining the nation this Friday and Saturday in commemorating the 57th Anniversary of the historic March on Washington.

It was at that gathering on August 28,1963, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  made, perhaps, his most prolific speech famous for the ages - “I Have a Dream.”

Many years later it was determined that Dr. King actually first uttered those words and speech during a voter registration drive in Rocky Mount, NC in November 1962.

This year’s commemoration, sponsored locally by Black Lives Matter, the Wilmington Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus, and WOW (Women Organizing for Wilmington), will be held in two parts.

Part 1 - “ A Time of Unity, Love and Passion for Justice,” will kick off August 28th at 5:30 p.m. with a peaceful protest rally and tribute to the late Congressman John Lewis at the 1898 Monument, 1074 North 3rd Street.

Hosted by Pastor Donald mason, featured speakers will include tribute to John Lewis; Moral Monday arrestees, and music by Christa Faison. 

There will be voter registration. Masks are required, and social distancing will be encouraged.

Then the next day, Part 2 on Saturday, August 29th at 3 p.m., we will hear from civil rights pioneers who attended the March on Washington in 1963 with a virtual commemoration via Zoom, so you can attend from the safety of your home.

Host will be Cash Michaels of the Wilmington Journal.

The special guest will be award winning and veteran civil rights attorney Al McSurely of the NC NAACP. 

Atty. McSurely has been in the struggle fighting white supremacy for over 60 years. He has worked closely with Rev. Dr. William Barber and Dr. T. Anthony Spearman on Moral Mondays and Historic Thousands on Jones Street marches and rallies.

Join ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/, 82559781866, Meeting ID: 825 5978 1866, phone :1-929-205-6099, Mtg ID: 825 5978 1866



If there’s one resounding theme we noticed reviewing hundreds of citizen emails sent to Wilmington City Council members about the teen proposed “BLACK LIVES MATTER” mural in downtown, is tat a whole lot of white folks here watch way too much Fox News.

Some of the responses were just pure fear mongering, with people believing that by adopting the now iconic social call for racial justice, let alone just acknowledging it, the city was giving undue legitimacy to a Communist-inspired “domestic terrorist” movement that was seeking to overthrow the United States, and thus, their precious way of life.

First of all, these fear mongers are proving the old adage that if it’s Black and not being controlled by anybody other than, then it is a threat.

Thus, Donald Trump, Atty. Gen. Bill Barr, and Fox News have all done excellent jobs demonizing a movement that has young people across this country a sense of purpose and positive engagement.

The record is clear, especially with our local Black Lives Matter group here in Wilmington, led by Sonya Patrick, that they are about bringing about strong, positive, social change through peaceful means.

Confronting the city of Wilmington about adopting what is now the “BLACK LIVES DO MATTER - END RACISM NOW” mural in Jervay Memorial Park was a way - given the Port City’s shameful history of the 1898 race massacre and frame up of the Wilmington Ten - for city leaders to begin to acknowledge in earnest something they wouldn’t have been caught dead acknowledging before - that African-Americans are full-fledged, contributing citizens of this great city…always have been, and always will be.

As long as Wilmington lives up to what is now a stated commitment to making sure that black lives DO matter, and ending racism as we know it is a serious goal.

But surprise, surprise! There are just some folks who refuse to buy into that, and they let their City Council member know it, and it’s our job to make sure we document it so that YOU know it too. Because it’s going to take much more that a one year pilot project art installation saying “BLACK LIVES DO MATTER - END RACISM NOW” to make those words true.

Our community stands at the ready to build and grow, just as long as we are treated equally in terms of jobs and small business opportunities. Read some of those emails like we did. It’s clear that the Fox News fear mongers around here think of Black people primarily as thugs, killers and rioters…not teachers, businesspeople, clergy, etc. 

They have been thoroughly brainwashed into thinking that as long as they have all of the power and make all of the critical decisions, we only deserve what they give us.


Working with allies, we got rid of those wretched Confederate and white supremacist statues; got some racist names changed on parks and roads; cleaning out our police department and have a Black educator now in charge of our county school system.







By Cash Michaels

Staff writer

There was plenty of tense debate before the Wilmington City Council last week passed a resolution, 5-2, to establish the art installation of “BLACK LIVES DO MATTER - END RACISM NOW,” in downtown Jervay Memorial Park near Third Street.

At one point leading up to the August 18th vote, Councilman Charles Rivenbark declared that installing any public mural referring to Black Lives Matter was “racist,” and that “ALL LIVES MATTER” would be more fitting.

Based on hundreds of citizen emails exclusively reviewed by The Journal sent to council members days before the vote, Rivenbark (one of two votes against the mural) had a lot of supporters with that view. 

What The Wilmington Journal review of those emails reveal is evidence of deep racial and social divisions among Port City residents, steeped in deeper fear and ignorance of exactly what Black Lives Matters means on the part of mural opponents.

All 500 pages of citizen emails to Wilmington City Council members are legally public record, meaning they can be published once formally released by the City Clerk’s office. 

The Journal asked the city for emails on the BLM mural issue sent to both Council members Kevin Spears and Charles Rivenbark between July 13th and July 23rd. We also received emails addressing the entire council.

For the purpose of this story, The Journal randomly selected a few representing both sides, and will only use the first names of citizens on emails quoted. They have been edited for publication.


To RIVENBARK - “All Lives Matter” implies that all lives are equally at risk, and they’re not,’ stated Michael0117. Clearly you are a product of white privilege, never having known what it’s like to live in fear of those who demean and make fun of you. I’m so sorry to see you personally carrying on the long tradition of racism in Wilmington. My mother was a Rivenbark, but I certainly hope it was a branch far, far removed from your ancestors. You’ll never get to “All Lives Matter” if the “Black Lives Matter” movement offends your racist bigotry.

To MAYOR SAFFO/COUNCIL - “Hearing one of our council members say the “Black Lives Matter” is racist made me laugh out loud,” wrote Jordyn. “ I laughed out of pity. I laughed out of despair. I laughed because he is so clearly out of touch with reality. He cannot possibly have any genuine friendships with black people that he truly cares about. If you know better, you do better. And what we know is that black people are telling us their stories. They are sharing with us their experiences. And their reality sucks. And it has sucked for a long time. The fact that leaders of our city, with a history of massacring black people, cannot validate those feelings an experiences is awful.”

         To SPEARS - “Thank you for considering the Black Lives Matter Art for Wilmington in the council meeting,” wrote Megan. I witnessed that it was not an easy discussion. As a white woman and resident of New Hanover County, I am writing to express my support of the art installation . I do not only support it, but feel it is of vital importance. I am trusting you are voting for the art. Thank you for all you do.

To RIVENBARK -  “I am a white woman,” wrote Denise. Sir, your statements regarding “All Lives Matter” are extremely upsetting to me. I reject them outright…..my husband and I are calling upon you to retract your statement and vote to do the right thing at tomorrow’s Wilmington City Council meeting. The Black Lives Matter sign belongs in Wilmington and a public area of expression that would allow untrue and discriminatory speech…which “All Lives Matter” certainly is…does not belong in Wilmington or anywhere else in my country.”

To COUNCIL - “If you put four people in a lineup, one White, Jewish, Asian and Black, which one has always mattered the least yesterday and today in the USA?,” asked James. “Who is the last hired but first fired? Which one started out working for less than minimum wages, work the hardest, and may never receive a raise? Who is suspected of stealing any time something is missing? Who is sentenced to the most prison time for the smallest non-violent crime/ it is time for a 360-degree change today the scientists call a metamorphosis and Christians call being born again.”


To RIVENBARK - “I fully support you. Your position is correct,” wrote Jim. White Lives Matter. Support of Black Lives Matter means you support thugs; intimidation of others; injuries to others; death to other; damage to property of others; lawlessness. Remain strong Mr. Rivenbark.

           To COUNCIL - “The current climate creates the unique opportunity to correct other wrongs of the past,” wrote Arthur Jr. Since Martin Luther King Jr. was not a resident of Wilmington, did not make any references to this area and did not donate any money to this area, I submit to you that Martin Luther King Parkway, formerly known as Smith creek Parkway, be renamed Charlie Daniels Parkway [after the late country singer] As a Wilmington native, Mr. Daniels lived his early life in and around the area, and memorialized the area in many of his songs.

To RIVENBARK - Have you listened to the masses of black conservatives and why they are against BLM?, asked Will S. ‘Anti having a father in the home (lifted on their website) and traditional family, which is the largest problem in the black community (and white communities, [and] all communities0, and the largest indicator of a young person doing drugs, going to jail , etc. etc….gangs.

[Councilman Rivenbark responded - Thank you for the information. The local BLM say that they are not a part of the national group but I really believe that they are and that bothers me.]

To SPEARS -  “There are no words to describe how untoward this plan is for the citizens of Wilmington,” wrote Karen. We have witnessed days, weeks and months of the anarchy this group has perpetuated all across our United States of America! It’s truly unfortunate and criminal what happened to George Floyd on Memorial Day of this year! But, should we as law abiding, tax paying residents of Wilmington continue to endure the strife of what happened forever?

To COUNCIL - “ There is no logical reason to bow to their Marxist programming,” wrote Robert. As a city, it is your jobs to protect and support everyone, not just black lives…..Please do not allow domestic terrorists to inject they poison. Follow the oath of office.  Do your job without influence. Fair to all. Thanks.



                                                             JACOB BLAKE





By Cash Michaels

Contributing writer

The latest black victim of police brutality to make national headlines - just like George Floyd last May - has strong ties to North Carolina.

Jacob Blake, 29, who was repeatedly shot by two Kenosha, Wisconsin police officers in the back as he tried to enter his SUV Sunday evening, grew up in Winston-Salem as a youth, before moving to Evanston, Illinois to attend middle and high school, the Chicago Sun-Times reported this week.

Three of his children were in the back seat when he was shot.

In an interview with Blake’s father, also named Jacob Blake ( the grandfather is Rev. Jacob Blake Sr.), the young man was struck eight times in the back by police bullets, and is paralyzed from the waist down. 

According to witnesses, young Blake was trying to break up a fight when police arrived at the scene. A cellphone video shows Blake walking around from the sidewalk to the driver’s side of his car where some of his family was.

Two police officers follow Blake around as well. When he opened the driver’s door , one of the officers who followed him grabbed his T-shirt to stop him, then both opened fire at close range. At least seven shots were heard on the video.

As of Monday, Blake’s father told the Sun-Times that “…there are eight holes” in his son’s body, and doctors had not said whether the paralysis will be permanent.

The older Blake was driving from Charlotte, NC to the hospital in  Kenosha to arrive on Tuesday to be with his son. 

I want to put my hand on my son’s cheek and kiss him on his forehead, and then I’ll be OK,” his father said. “I’ll kiss him with my mask. The first thing I want to do is touch my son,” he told the Sun-Times.

Young Blake is the father  of six children between the ages of six and 13. He had been living in Kenosha for the last three years. He has seven brothers and five sisters.

Blake’s grandfather, the Rev. Jacob Blake Sr., was the pastor of Ebenzer African Methodist Episcopal Church. He is credited with leading a fair housing march in Evanston in 1968. Jacob Blake Manor, a low-income housing project for senior citizens, is named after Rev. Blake.

Wisconsin’s governor has denounced the shooting, but Kenosha authorities are investigating.

Meanwhile Kenosha has experienced several straight nights of violence and burning of property.






By Cash Michaels

Contributing writer

Two North Carolina Congressional members collided Monday during the Democrat-led U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform six-hour hearing examining whether Greensboro native Louis DeJoy, the U.S. Postmaster General, is deliberately ramping down postal service nationwide at the behest of President Donald Trump in order delay mail-in ballots for the upcoming November 3rd presidential elections.

Republican Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC-6) of Greensboro formerly introduced DeJoy during the hearing Monday, touting him as a respected businessman, philanthropist and community leader. The goal - to counter widespread media portrayals of DeJoy as a major Trump donor and loyalist installed last June to take control of the U.S. Postal Service in time to influence the flow of mail-in ballots.

Indeed, Walker joined the Republican cry that any talk of mail slowdowns was just Democratic party hysterics designed to win the election.

“[Speaker] Nancy Pelosi has called a faux emergency session to push a conspiracy theory through the halls of Congress without facts nor merit," Walker said in a August 22 release just before Democrats in the House Saturday passed a measure prohibiting the U.S. Postal Service from deliberately slowing down the mail. "Let this be clear: While millions of Americans are desperately waiting for Pelosi and Schumer to stop holding up coronavirus relief negotiations and help their small businesses, Democrats are instead intent on sporting tin foil hats and promoting baseless narratives."

“I’m not engaged in sabotaging the elections,” DeJoy told the Congressional Committee, while at the same time giving Democrats a flat “No” when they asked him to stop removing mailboxes from street corners and mail sorting machines from mail processing centers, thus slowing down mail deliveries.

An internal Postal Service report the committee obtained not only confirmed much of what has been alleged but mail service slowdowns, but documents that it has actually gotten worse since July.

Democrat Rep. Alma Adams [D-NC-12], who used to represent Rep. Walker’s district before she was forced to move to Charlotte because of redistricting, was the last to question DeJoy.

Adams, like many of her fellow Democrats before, noted how senior citizens in her district were concerned about not getting their medication through the mail on time. She asked about U.S. mail boxes in Charlotte that were covered with garbage bags (which she showed a picture of) to prevent the insertion of letters and packages.

The recurring theme I kept hearing from Postmaster General DeJoy was 'I don't know'," said Congresswoman Adams in a press release afterwards. “He doesn't know how many blue boxes were taken. He doesn't know why our Veterans are getting their medications late, or why goods that our small businesses rely on are arriving spoiled. He doesn't know the cost of Priority Mail or the kind of stamp he needs to mail a postcard. He doesn't know if his own mail is coming. The fact is: he just don’t know. Unfortunately for us, Mr. Postmaster General, not knowing is not good enough." 

The U.S. Senate is not likely to even take up the House bill passed Saturday.





An analysis by  Cash Michaels

Contributing writer

With the death toll from the deadly coronavirus  in the United States quickly approaching 200,000, most Americans remain concerned about how many more will fall victim.

But, if a recent poll is to be believed, apparently not Republicans.

According to a CBSNews Battleground Tracker Poll taken Aug. 19-21,  2, 226 registered voters across the country were asked if they found the startling current death toll from COVID-19 “acceptable or not acceptable.”

90 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of independents answered “unacceptable.”

But for 57 percent of Republicans questioned, the fact that over 176,000 Americans have died since COVID-19 came to these shores earlier this year was “acceptable.”

Interestingly, 64% of GOP’ers day the number of coronavirus deaths reported is false and not that high. 73% of Republicans polled agree that the Trump Administration is managing the fight against the virus “well,” compared to just 27% of Democrats.

According to CBS, Republicans add, “The virus elicits less concern…” to them, because they don’t feel as affected.

But people of color, who tend to be predominately Democrat, do, and with good reason.

According to a report issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July, two-thirds of COVID-19 deaths in the United States are disproportionately Black and Hispanic among those under the age of 65.

The researchers looked at data from more than 10,000 coronavirus patients whose deaths were reported from February 12 to May 18, and found that more than one-third of deceased patients under 65 were Hispanic and another 30% were Black,” reported the Business Insider last July.

“The fact that most young people dying of COVID-19 in the US are people of color highlights the racial disparities at play in the pandemic,” the Business Insider continued.

As has been stated before, most communities of color tend to have large families who live in clusters, or who mostly work in service industry employment such as grocery stores or factory workers which give them greater exposure of infection.

Add to that that communities of color have poorer health outcomes because of high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity, some of which are brought on by environmental influences.

Ultimately, the poor health conditions in the Black and Hispanic communities are the result of racism, most experts agree, leading back to political policies that do not promote healthy outcomes.

Pres. Trump, who accepted the Republican Party’s renomination this week to run for re-election in November, is heralded by his supporters as being a non-racist, even though his words, actions and policies have targeted the Black and Hispanic communities.

Ironically, the most famous Black Republican to die because of the coronavirus is former presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Cain reportedly contracted the virus at a Trump rally in Tulsa, Okla a few months ago.

He proudly and boldly sat in the audience, cheering Trump on, without a protective mask. He did not believe he needed one.


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