Tuesday, June 18, 2024

CASH COMMENTARY FOR JUNE 20th, 2024 (for Tom June 26th)

                                                                   CASH MICHAELS

                                    THE EVIL THAT LURKS…

                  by Cash Michaels

It’s amazing but true.

As much as I want to stop writing about Convicted Orange Man and the Band, I can’t help it.

Virtually every story I see these days involving some aspect of the Republican Party details, without exception, how members of the Grand Old Party are fiendishly up to no good.

And it shouldn’t be this way. Americans and North Carolinians certainly deserve a decent, fully functioning two-party system. One that gives us definitive, yet hopeful public policy choices that seek to make life in this nation better for every citizen.

Instead, we have one political party that’s limping along trying to be everybody’s friend, and getting kicked in the teeth in the process, and we have a second political party that many say is so beholden to a power hungry, deranged, convicted felon, that the only platform it has is whatever he says it is.

By now you’ve guessed which are the Democrats and which are the Republicans.

Now I’m always conscious of the rhetorical trap of folks thinking I believe the Democratic Party to be squeaky clean, while the Republican Party is beyond dirty, filthy rotten. Thus, my constant disclaimer that Democrats are not squeaky clean, but only seem that way because Republicans are so dirty, filthy and rotten.

Better now? I mean, I really don’t want to be misunderstood.

Yes, there are a couple of Democrats who, as we speak, are facing serious trouble with the law for foolishness of their own alleged making, to be sure. The names Sen. Menendez and Rep. Cuellar come to mind. Add those to Hunter Biden’s recent legal escapades, and you have more than enough evidence that some folks in the donkey party can walk the wrong path too.

But you don’t hear or see other Democrats bending over backwards to burn the party down on their behalf.

Republicans, on the other hand, are so desperate and twisted to win the White House and Congress back for Trump, they have done and said everything except send cookies home to Mother Russia. And that’s what makes them so evil. They’re willingness to whitewash what they know is corrupt behavior, just to sell themselves bullcrap-cheap for power.

And Republicans don’t care whether you see what they’re doing or not.

Take recently, when Republicans in the GOP-led NC House voted to ratify a perverted bill that was originally supposed to be dealing with wearing masks in public, but ended up slipping in a dark money campaign finance change, all in a effort to attract millions for Mark Robinson’s culture warrior gubernatorial bid.

And not one of them had the unmitigated guts to admit what they were really doing, or why.

Or this business about changing the rules governing public records as it relates to how state lawmakers handle them. Apparently, even though your tax dollars pay for those public records, and pay the salaries of the publicly elected officials who handle them, Republican state lawmakers have now decided they can do anything they damn well please with those public records, including burn them, sell them, or hide them. If they don’t want you to see any notes or correspondence pertaining to how a bill was passed or not passed, hey John Q citizen, you’re out of freakin’ luck.

What about Trump’s promise to exact revenge on various people if he’s elected to a second term? And one of his top lieutenants, Russell Vought, former head of the Office of Management and Budget? MSNBC columnist Hayes Brown says Vought, “…displays a combination of MAGA zealotry and familiarity with Washington’s workings that makes him a uniquely dangerous figure for the future of the country.”

And I thought we only had to worry about Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.

Oh there’s much, much more I could cite as examples of Republicans here and in the Washington, D.C. swamp who have simply lost their minds with power and think they could boss even the Almighty around if given the chance.

Anyone truly believe Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps her warped marbles and twisted loose screws in order on any given day? Dan Bishop? Michele Morrow? Mark Robinson? Donald Duck?

And what the hell is Lara Trump, daughter-in-law to convicted creepo Donald, and co-chair of the National Republican Committee, talking about?

Homegirl (she’s from Wilmington) told folks at the Turning Point USA Convention in Detroit recently that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is, “We speak in truth and facts on this side. The other side is all emotion-based. Bring people back to the truth. Bring people back to the facts.”

This woman has real brass!

Imagine the nerve it takes to show yourself in public, and tell people with a straight face that the Republican Party, a political party that to this day, tries to convince people that the violent January 6th attempted overthrow of our government was really just a peaceful demonstration; or that the 2020 presidential election was stolen; or that Donald Trump is not a crook, convicted criminal, racist, pervert and rapist.

Folks, I’m sorry, but that kind of lying is not incidental. 

It’s evil, because the full intent of it is to gain more power at any cost. And in my book, that means there’s nothing Republicans won’t do or say to get what they want.

I find myself agreeing with Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), who told MSNBC recently that Democrats had better stop hoping that Republicans come to their senses, and instead, “have to be willing to be as tough as Republicans” because there is too much at risk in the 2024 elections.

That translates into flipping Michelle Obama’s famous saying about, “When they go low, we go high.”

Hell, I love the former First Lady with all my heart and soul, but that won’t work with these vicious creatures. Instead, I agree with MSNBC’s Simone Sanders-Townsend and former RNC Chair Michael Steele - “When they go low, we go toe to toe.”

Damn it! I don’t know about you, but my family and people have invested way too much in the building of this nation just to sit back and watch some deranged Hitler wannabes run roughshod over the government many a brave man and woman have fought and died to establish and protect.

Mind you, it’s not perfect by a long shot, but compared to what Trump and that crazy bunch of Nazis he’s leading plan to do if he wins or loses the election, what we have today is something I’d certainly prefer to keep until we get it right.

All what I’ve written is dangerous, but true. In four months, all hell could break loose, all because the Republican Party has lost its mind and patriotism.

The evil that lurks is ever present in our politics, governance, and in our lives. I sincerely pray for each and everyone of us, and our country.


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