Saturday, October 5, 2024



                                                                    CASH MICHAELS


    by Cash Michaels

I don’t know about you, but I am way sick of this election already, and can’t wait for it to end with less than thirty days to go officially.

Mind you, of course I want it to end the right way, with sound, principled leadership elected to our nation's helm to dutifully shape public policy for the benefit of all American citizens. But the process of selecting such leadership is taking way too long, even with Vice President Kamala Harris just joining the fray in July.

I’m tired of the nastiness, the lying, the overt efforts to personally destroy the other candidate’s very humanity - all for the sake of power.

Yep, you got it…I’m tired of the Trump campaign. In fact, I'm exhausted by it!

The latest from this imbecile is enough to make you look for the biggest barf bag you can find.

As I write this commentary, in the GOD-blessed comfort and safety of my North Carolina home on a sunshiny day, my heart is with the plight of tens of thousands of my fellow North Carolinians in the western part of our state, whose lives have been irreparably destroyed by the raging storm now historically known as Helene.

According to Brad Panovich, chief meteorologist for WCNC-TV in Charlotte, what made the 140-mile per hour winds of Helene so dangerous to lives and living was the significant 6 to 12 inch rain event that preceded it. The dangerous combination caused tremendous floods with over flowing rivers and creeks, ripping up roads, downing trees, collapsing buildings, flinging cars and trucks like play things, and ultimately cutting small mountain communities off from the rest of the world.

And then, of course, was the tragic loss of life - at least over 113 at last count, with hundreds more missing.

“There was no room for this water in the mountains,” Panovich says. 

"We knew the flood risk was gonna be a problem the entire time, but when the wind risk started ramping up, that meant we were gonna get a lot more trees down, a lot more power outages, and that made the flood risk even more dire because it was hard to get the message out once the power started going out,” he continued.

Given all of the suffering, death and devastation, Panovich called Helene “the perfect storm of destruction,” meaning that everything that could go wrong for the people who lived in the mountains, did go wrong, the results of which will remain with them for a lifetime.

I took my time here describing the horror of Helene on western North Carolina because, in times like these, GOD allows terrible things to happen to remind us that our foolishness as His children has to stop.

No, I’m not blaming GOD for the destruction cause by Helene, nor am I suggesting that the good people of western North Carolina did anything to deserve this calamity, but our Bibles are replete with stories of how GOD would get everyone’s attention when needed to the despicable evil that was going on around them, and how they were required to do something about it before it's too late.

And that brings me to Donald Trump.

Instead of realizing that PEOPLE…not just Republicans or Democrats, but innocent PEOPLE were hurt by this storm, and PEOPLE now need as much assistance as their fellow citizens can muster up for them, this monster (Trump) decides this is the perfect time to play politics with an out-and-out tragedy.

No, I’m NOT going to start telling you what great leaders Gov. Cooper, Pres. Biden and VP Harris are in comparison, but it should be noted for the record that election or no election, these folks at least are about the business of helping PEOPLE, not party or personal interests, when it comes to the aftermath of Helene, or any disaster.

Indeed Republican AND Democratic governors from all Southeastern states affected by Helene have lauded the Biden Administration’s quick response with  much needed resources in the aftermath of the storm.

“It doesn’t matter which state it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s a red state or blue state,’' White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently said about FEMA. “This is their job — to get food there, to get generators there, to save some lives, to rescue people. And so we are very proud of the work that they’ve done.″

        And let's not forget the fine job the National Guard and U.S. military are doing as well. This is what they train for, and all of us deeply appreciate their efforts.

Trump on the other hand, is falsely accusing Cooper and Biden of denying critical recovery services and resources to hard hit areas of western North Carolina just because, he says, Republicans may live there. 

        This clown lies as easily as you and I breath.

A true and good leader, in times of crisis, doesn’t think or act this way.

Nor does a true and good leader delay disaster aid to “hurricane-devastated” Puerto Rico years ago like Trump did,  just to, according to the Associated Press, “divert money from FEMA in order to finance an effort to return undocumented migrants to Mexico.”

Trump threw rolls of paper towels at hurricane victims to catch in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, as if he were feeding animals. Had the Neve to think he was doing something good.

And, according to a recent report in Rolling Stone, in 2018, “as wildfires ravaged large swaths of California — [Pres.] Trump initially refused to approve aid to the state because he felt some of the people in the affected regions didn’t like him enough.”

Not until he was shown data that many folks in the affected counties were, in fact, Trump supporters, did he release federal aid to help them. Talk about sick!

He reportedly pulled the same stunt on the people of Florida after Gov. De Santis there told him that the majority of folks in an affected disaster area were Trump voters. Good thing he's not in charge of anything now after killer Hurricane Milton barreled down the state.

        Then, of course, there was Trump's mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lotsa lives lost behind that one, especially after he withheld resources from blue states. And yet journalist Bob Woodward reports in his new book War, that Trump sent COVID test kits - COVID test kits WE paid for - to his bosom Russian buddy Vladimir Putin for his own personal use, while trying to convince the rest of us to inject bleach. The Kremlin confirms this mess!

        I'm in sore need of a shower just thinking about this fiend's inhumanity, let alone writing about it!

Of course let’s not forget Mark “Black Nazi” Robinson, who I understand is out there  trying to look like a hero, instead of what’s needed - being a team player. Too bad he never learned how to work with Gov. Cooper by supporting  the governor’s efforts to get needed supplies and help out to the people in trouble. We have a word for that classic lack of character. I'll dutifully spare you what that is right now.

        Oh, and there's no truth to the rumor that the only reason Black Nazi has never attended a P. Diddy sex party is because Diddy has never given a sex party in North Carolina. Why such a scandalous rumor about the Black Nazi would even start, I have no idea.

But it truly is amazing what a little political embarrassment on a grand scale will do to suddenly humanize a diminished, desperate, bigoted candidate who professes to hating everybody he disagrees with.

        When people are at their lowest, like after a major natural disaster like Helene, they're prone to believe anything from a so-called "authority figure" if it explains why their misery isn't being immediately relieved. Thus, many Helene survivors are believing the lies, deceit and conspiracies of Trump and Robinson, because they are at their most vulnerable right now, which should be a crime.

        And Robinson has campaign signs up while he's spewing garbage, too.

I want all of this evil to end sooner than later.

I want decency to win, and I want the PEOPLE to be able to prioritize what we have in common.

I want my country to stand strong for what is right, and stand even stronger against that which is wrong.

I want common sense to return in grand fashion.

I want my country, problems and all, to return to some sort of sanity!

Trouble is, even after this election dance ends in less than thirty days, there’s no telling what’s going to happen on the other side. And that’s because people like Trump, J.D. Vance, Mark Robinson, Tucker Carlson and others like them, will still be around, creating negative noise.

Given that, I pray that Almighty GOD will handle that reality as well. He always does!

In the meantime, whatever you can do to help the people of western North Carolina...and I mean ALL of them, even prayer, by all means do it, please! They deserve our common humanity right now!


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